sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

2nd New (last term)

Water is vital, but how much should you drink?

The water is a fluid very important in our life because without it we wouldn’t alive.
Our body is made up of a 60 percent of water. It seems that the water in our body is essential to permit our basic functions.
The water in our body not only moist the tissues like the mouth, eyes and nose; it also cushions our joins, regulates our body temperature, helps our body gets nutrients, and flushes out waste products.
Because our body can realize all these functions it’s very important to consume enough water each day. But how much water we should drink everyday?

The general guideline is:
- To pay attention to your thirst because if you drink according to your thirst, you will stay hydrated.
- As hotter your surroundings, more fluids you will needed to consume.
- Exercise, illness, pregnancy and breast feeding are also factors that increase our bodies' need for fluids.

There are other liquids which can substitute the water because they also towards hydration. Some examples of the other liquids are: tea, coffee, fruit juices, milk, soups and things like that.
These fluids can also be found in water rich food like fruits and vegetables, which are great for your body because they keep you healthy and hydrated.

I've learnt these words:
- Moist = humitejar
- Tissues = teixits
- Flushes = tirar
- Breast feeding = amamantar

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