viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

Kate & Leopold

Well, this term I haven’t watched any film in English class room because we haven’t got time, but I’ve summarised one film which I’ve watched three times and I would watch it again, because I like this film so much.
The fact happens in the 21st century in New York but it begins and it finishes in the 19th century with a pretty history of love.
Here you have the summary:

Kate & Leopold

Kate McKay and her brother Charlie live in the 21st century in New York.
Stuart, her ex-boyfriend lives above her apartment and he is interested in eighteen hundreds. Stuart goes to 19th century and takes pictures of Leopold, the man who invented the elevator and he was duke of Albany. Leopold sees him, and he wants to know who this man is, he decides to follow him and suddenly, they both ended in 21st century in New York.
At fisrt, Leopold is confused and thinking that he has been kidnapped; he immediately takes a strident and defensive stance against Stuart. Stuart explains him the situation that Leopold must stay inside the apartment until the portal opens again a week later to go back to 19th century.
Kate McKay, Stuart’s ex-girlfriend, comes to the apartment and she meets Leopold. She is surprised for Leopold’s dresses and she thinks that he can do a commercial for her job.
Later, he ruins her dinner date with her boss, J.J, and Kate to get angry with him. Leopold is sad because he fell in love to Kate and now she doesn't want to speak with him. Next day in the morning, he decides to invite her to a romantic dinner to apologize. She accepts and they fell in love in the middle of the night.
But now, the problem is that Leopold must go back to 19th century (the past) and they must split up.
Kate must choose between the current time and job or the 19th century with Leopold. Stuart and Charley convince her because she goes there and they can live together.

I've learnt these words:

- Kidnapped= segrestat
- Against= contra/en contra de
- Apologize= desculpar-se

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