domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008


I haven’t known the Frankenstein’s story until this year in English class, because in the second term, we have had to read a book called “Frankenstein” and we made a test about it. Then we watched the film of this book and we found some different between the book and the film.

Some of these different are here:

B: book / F: film

B: Victor and Henry Clerval have been friends since their childhood.
F: The first time they met, it was in the university.

B: Victor has got two little brothers.
F: Victor has got only one little brother, William.

B: The family of the forest which Frankenstein helps, the two younger people, Felix and Agatha are only a couple of brothers.
F: Felix and Agatha are married.

B: Elisabeth has got blond hair and blue eyes.
F: Elisabeth has got brown hair.

B: Frankenstein is 2’5m tall.
F: Frankenstein isn’t 2’5m tall of course; he can’t be tall like the monster of the book because there aren’t people with this high.

B: Frankenstein, during his travel, saved the girl in the river and then the girl’s father shoots him
F: This act not appears.

B: Henry, the best friend of Victor, dies.
F: Henry doesn’t die.

B: Victor is accused about the deaths and he rests in the tribunals for a few hours.
F: Victor isn’t accused about the deaths.

B: The monster kills Elisabeth: it strangles her.
F: Frankenstein (the monster) kills Elisabeth: he takes out the heart of the Elisabeth’s body.

B: When Elisabeth dies, Victor wants to kill the monster.
F: After Elisabeth’s death, Victor reconstructs the body of the Elisabeth because she can revive.

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